Club Officers

 If you have a question or a comment about our club, please
email the appropriate officer based on the subject matter
of your inquiry.  We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Name Call Position email
Johnnie Showalter
w5mms President president at wd5ddh.org
Robert "Duff" Morrow N5RDM Vice-President vp at wd5ddh.org
Rani Musselman
KI5YWN Secretary secretary at wd5ddh.org
Layne Reeves KR5QA Treasurer treasurer at wd5ddh.org
Craig Pelletier N1XAC Public Info Officer info at wd5ddh.org
Thomas Frohnapfel K5EIS Education Officer education at wd5ddh.org
Micah Conrad
K5MEC License/Testing license-testing at wd5ddh.org
Justin G Lentz N5RH Program Planning planning at wd5ddh.org
Keith Beck W5AGM Repeater Chair repeater at wd5ddh.org
Robert E Pinson KO5RP Property Officer property at wd5ddh.org
Robert "Bob" Tezyk N7FQT Webmaster webmaster at wd5ddh.org