2025 Winter Field Day

The 2025 Winter Field Day (WFD) was a great success. Many members of the club came out to participate and to bring some new ideas and equipment to the event in addition to the trusty equipment from previous events.

New to the equipment mix was the addition of the ARRL Moxon 6/10 meter beam and a light duty rotor and a 40 meter End fed long wire (EFLW). The radio equipment was housed an a new ice fishing tent complete with a propane heater. The power was provided by a small propane inverter generator that was quiet as well as fuel efficient. Marvin KI5MM provoded the second station for 20 through 160 meters from his bettery powered trailer.

Marvin KI5MM again provided the location this year on his rural property in Italy, TX and his wife Martha made sure that everyone was well fed. Club members came and went throughout the 2 day event manning the radios.


Breakfast at Denny's - W5MMS, KI5MM,  KI5YXA, KI5YWN, N5RH


Breakfast at Denny's - K5MEC,W5MMS, KI5MM,  KI5YXA


The 10/6 meter ARRL Moxon antenna and tent housed one station.


The 20-160 meter antennas at sunset




 KI5YXA and KI5YWN operating 10 meters






 KI5YWN, KI5YXA operating 20 meters in the trailer




K5MEC, N5WC2025WFD10



ARRL Field Day 2024

ARRL Field Day

June 22-23, 2024

Field Day Location:

 Midway Airport FD Location


Field Day Layout:

2024FD Layout



 Butter & Grace Breakfast












2023 Winter Field Day After Action Report

WFD was held in Italy at Marvin Ward QTH. Jan. 28-29 2023.

The Radio Part:

My plan was to get as many operators active as possible and work toward as many multipliers as possible. Run on Battery power only. Total Q,s and run rate were not expected to be strong with a lot of new operators and ECARC history has not known for volume of QSO’s.

Set up: We decided to set up as 4M classification this year. 4 radios Mobile/stationary class. Rule change dictated some changes.

Luke KE5EDW set up small trailer with shelter beside it. He was running SSB voice. Yeasu DX FT10 into CHA-250 HD vertical. He covered 10-40 Meters. Several operators used this station.

Matthew N5MHM set up in his Travel trailer. He was running ICOM 7300 into 10-160 Meter EFHW. He covered 10-160 on CW. (CW in this case also stood for COVID Wagon) Since his family had covid he kept to himself.

Duff N5RDM set up in my com trailer. He was running Yaesu 891 into EFHW 10-80 Meter. Duff ran Digital JS8call.

My Yaesu 991 was also in com trailer running into 10-160 meter EFHW and 2 meter 400 yagi. We ran SSB voice from this station. Several operators used this station.

Logging was through N3FJP software networked into all laptops.

Wire antennas were set up end to end. Vertical was 90 degree off by 100 yds.

The Food Part:

Steve K5SVV did a fine Brisket, Beans, Potatoes and picked up the fixins as well. Martha KI5MM’s XYL made some Mac and cheese as well as biscuits and gravy, blueberry muffins for Sunday breakfast. Several people brought goodies and sweets. (Martha wants to know who brought the brownies in the paper plate covered with foil. Wants recipe.)

Everything was mighty tasty.

The Testing:

We had a VE Testing session at 2 PM on Sat. 5 People testing. Terry Davis and Russell Johnson passed Tech. test. John Prather KI5VVC and Johnnie ShowalterKI5YVT upgraded to General. Terry brought 2 prospective guys to observe. I think everyone got the chance to get on the air.


61 CW contacts. 10,15,20, 40, and 80 meter contacts. 5 bands. (CW q’s are worth 2 points)

305 Voice contacts. 440,2 6,10,15,20,40,80,160 Meter contacts. 9 bands.

32 Digital contacts. 10,15,20,40, and 80 meter contacts. 5 bands (digital worth 2 points)

500 points for each for antenna set up, alternative power and outdoor set up.

Still doing some checking of the log but should be about 11,250 score.


We had a good group of first time field day and veterans. My guess is about 75% had never played radio at a field day and many had never done HF. KF5IVJ, KI5MM, N5MHM, KI5IBT, K5EDW,KC5JQK,N5RDM, KI5YXA, KI5YWN, KI5YVI are the operators we have on the log. I think we may have missed some. Some great elmer work by Justin, Micah, Matt, Luke, Duff and others. Good learning times in the shack and trailers. We missed out in getting a satellite contact despite tries by Matthew. We got 20 multipliers for bands worked. That means every QSO made was worth 20.

Things that worked: Food, antennas, band pass filters, radios, batteries, new people, the weather (almost).

Things that we need to work on: Better antenna placement. More people on radios all hours, Backup plan for networking computers (mesh?), satellite contact, more bands, more CW, more QSO’s .

If you have thoughts or ideas on how to improve the field days let someone hear it. Summer FD needs a plan.


Marvin KI5MM

2022 Winter Field Day