

Clothing / Name Tags:

These companies have the club logo already set up to produce various garment items.  These Items can be customized with your name and call in addition to the club logo:

Hamthreads ( https://www.hamthreads.com/ ) supplies a wide variety of clothing with the club logo, your name and call.

Custom Engraved Name Badges, Signs and more.

The Signman of Baton Rouge ( https://www.thesignman.com/ )provides plastic name tags with our club logo. WE have standardized on their design.

Study Material and Licensing:

Study and Licensing:


Our amateur radio training classed utilize HamStudy ( https://hamstudy.org/ ) for our class materials. The site also allows you to find a test session near you. The HamStudy.org team are focused on providing powerful study tools for everyone. For this reason, the HamStudy.org online study website is and will always be absolutely free!

For those of you who want to support their work and for anyone who needs the freedom to study without an internet connection they now have offline-capable apps for your phone or tablet.

Club Activities:


The club is very active in POA (https://parksontheair.com/) . We have members traveling to various parks in the area almots weekly. Parks on the Air ® (POTA) is a site for international portable amateur radio operations that promote emergency awareness and communications from national/federal and state/provincial level parks.

 Software and Websites:


N1MM Logger is the world’s most popular ham radio contest logging program. For CW, phone and digital modes, its combination of contest-optimized features is unmatched. It is the club's default logger for all contests. ( https://n1mmwp.hamdocs.com/ .


Amateur Contact Log is an easy to use general logging program that has many great features including tracking of worked all states, counties and countries. The rest of our programs are easy to use "contest specific" applications. See the recent news and announcements page.



This is an on line contest logger site used by the club.


hcol logo

Upon Joining the club, you will be given access to our current club management website, https://secure.hamclubonline.com/ . We are currently planning to transision our club management to our own website in the near future.

 ARRL Logbook

The Americal Radio Relay League provides a logbook for all Hams to use.

eQSL Logo

eQSL.cc is the first and only global electronic QSL card exchange for amateur radio operators and SWLs. It is designed to be the fastest, easiest, and cheapest way to exchange QSO confirmations, eliminating the cost and time that regular QSL cards have required for the past half century. With a larger membership than the entire ARRL, eQSL.cc is THE place where everyone exchanges QSLs quickly and easily. It has also become one of the largest awards organization for amateur radio with over 370,239 eAwards issued.


The N1XAC and N1YWY log book site

This site will give you an FTP to uses with the N3FJP software.