Known Website Bugs

The following are known website bugs that I have not been able to fix - YET:

  1. Google Chrome Browser - Logoff does not work on all computers.
    Workaround - Closing Chrome will reset to login.
  2. The 3 horozontal bars menu on the right side of the header may appear missing on the mobile views. The menu function still works but image is missing. Tap on the right side opposite the top logo to get to the menu.
  3. New - 2/24/2025- Unable to view and download Meeting Minutes documents.
  4.  Some links appear to be inactive when selected. This can occur when the screen size view is enlarged (Cntl-Mouse wheel). It is caused by the enlarged parts of fields to overlap. Reduce the size of the screen until all of the header bar is on one line.  This usually caused by the different elements on the screen overlaping with one another.
  5. Thumbnail Images are not appearing.
    Workaround - Click on an image placeholder. It will take you to the gallery where you can view the images.