W5MMS presents award to N5RH
W5MMS presents award to N5RH

Presidents Day Awards

Past Club Presidents Honored in Awards Ceremony

In honor of February 17th, Presidents' Day, a ceremony was held at our February monthly meeting to honor our past presidents. Certificates were created for all of our past presidents Justin Lentz was the only past president in attendance at the meeting. The certificates will be dispatched to those not in attendance. Awards were presented to:

Pat Gardenhire K5RVB
Johnny Grant KB5YYK
Robert Crosby KD5YHY
Tom Pegues AD5DJ
Danny Woodruff KA5RDB
Jerry Pomeroy KE5JC
Justin Lentz. N5RH


Thank you from all of the members for your selfless service to our club.



K5MEC, KI5MM, N7FQT, Bryce, KI5TRF's Grandson
K5MEC, KI5MM, N7FQT, Bryce, KI5TRF's Grandson

KI5TRF's Tower Retrieve

(October 19th, 2024 - Jewett, TX)

A work party was formed consisting of David KI5TRF, Micah K5MEC, Marvin KI5MM and Bob N7FQT for the purpose of disassembling and retrieving a US Towers TX-472. Also helping were KI5TRF's step-son, Bryce,  and grandson plus two of the previous owner's family.

The tower downing was basically uneventful, however the trailer would only fit perpendicular to the tower necessitating having to swing it around 90 degrees once it was resting on the trailer. The tower had three antennas - one each for 2 meters, 70 centimeters and 23 centimeters. The antennas had to be disassembled as the tower neared the ground to prevent their destruction. The 20-foot pipe mast was rusted in place. on the thrust bearing requiring removal of the thrust bearing bolts. The tilt over arm and winch was then removed. The tower base had to be left for later retrieval due to lack of a proper sized deep socket.

Once on the trailer, the team had a Mexican lunch. On the way back, progress was slowed due to the overheating of Bryce's truck. All in all, it was a successful retrieval.

KI5TRF Tower 00


KI5TRF Tower 01


KI5TRF Tower 02


KI5TRF Tower 03


KI5TRF Tower 04


KI5TRF Tower 05


KI5TRF Tower 06


KI5TRF Tower 07



KI5TRF Tower 08

2024 Ennis Preparedness Fair

Pictures of our booth at the Ennis Preparedness Fair.

2024EnnisPrep 03



2024EnnisPrep 01





Waxahachie Repeater Gets a Makeover

On Saturday, March 23, 2024, Club members gathered at the base of the Waxahachie, TX water tower to complete a major makeover of the Waxahachie repeater site.  Work completed included replacing the fiberglas antenna with a new, commercial grade 2 meter antenna. In addtion, the open rack for the repeater was replaced with a locking rack cabinet.  Besides moving the electronics to the new cabinet, a new and improved LiFePO4 battery and charger was installed for more reliable backup power.




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 The Team...







