2023 ARRL Field Day - Great Fun for All

2023 ARRL Field Day - Great Fun for All

Field Day morning started at Tio Tony's in Midlothian for a hearty breakfast. After everyone was well fed, we proceeded to the Midlothian High School Stadium parking lot to set up the stations. We operated in the 3A category under the special events callsign of W5A. A mesh Network was set up so the computer logs could be consolidated into one submission file. Various operators took shifts. Craig N1XAC ran the GOTA station allowing the Civil Air Patrol Cadets and the liaison from the Midlothian Emergency Management office. At 6 PM, Steve K5SVV arrived with the magnificently prepared brisket dinner. Everyone brought sides to round out the hearty dinner. All in all, a good time was had by all.

Click on the Continue reading link below to see some additional pictures. We will be updating this article as more submissions come in.

 Breakfast at Tio Tony's:

2023FD Breakfast

GOTA Station in Operation:

2023 FD GOTA

FCC licence exams in progress..... Nelia KJ5AWN (center) passed both the General and Extra tests in one sitting having passed her Technician test only two months before:

2023 FD Testing

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